May 26, 2023

Enhanced Capital Oklahoma Rural Fund

In 2022, the State of Oklahoma created the Oklahoma Rural Jobs Act (the “Program”) designed to spur investment and job growth in rural Oklahoma. The Program is expected to generate at least $100 million of investment activity within Oklahoma over a three-year period. Enhanced Capital has been allocated a $20MM fund (“Enhanced Capital Oklahoma Fund” and “ECOF”) to invest in small businesses across rural areas of the State. ECOF will provide transitional and growth capital to qualifying companies, but the investments are not grants and are traditional investments typically in the form of loans. Enhanced Capital will target investments of $300K-$2.5MM, with flexibility to invest additional capital on a case-by-case basis1

Questions regarding the application and completed applications may be submitted to and


What are the eligibility criteria?

What are the typical terms of the loans?

How will selections be made?

What are eligible uses of proceeds from the loans?

How long will it take to process a loan?

What is the loan application timeline?


  1. Criteria for qualifying investments and terms are for discussion purposes only and will vary based on individual investment attributes. This is not an offer to buy or sell any securities.
  2. Market rates Include interest rate, closing fee and documentation fee. Enhanced has made investments outside of this range.
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