The Georgia Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act (GARJA) program is continuing to support growth in the state’s agricultural industry through an investment in Keith Griffin Farm.
The company is an affiliate of family-owned Luther Griffin Farm, a 7,400-acre farm near Bainbridge, Georgia. With financing from Enhanced Capital, Keith Griffin Farm was able to purchase additional land and install irrigation systems to support this expansion. The new land will grow a variety of seasonal crops including peanuts, corn, and cotton.
The GARJA program has allowed Enhanced Capital to provide rural, small businesses with flexible capital that promotes growth for not only the companies, but also for local economies. Enhanced Capital has opened additional rural growth funds in Utah and Ohio to support businesses like Keith Griffin Farm.
Contact Doug Beekman at dbeekman@enhancedcapital.com or 202-531-0404, to learn more about opportunities in Georgia, Utah, and Ohio.