The opening of Maya Cinemas marks the beginning of redevelopment for a recession-ridden North Las Vegas community with the help of an $8.5 million New Market Tax Credit allocation from Enhanced Capital.
Moctesuma Esparza, an activist and CEO of Maya Cinemas, has previously developed megaplex movie theaters in low-income, minority-dominated communities to stimulate and support growth in the local economy, and this project is no different. The $75 million project will include 14 screens and amenities such as seats that recline and vibrate, as well as private VIP “cry rooms” that people can use if they are worried their children will be disruptive.
“It’s a gorgeous building; it’s going to be transformative to North Las Vegas,” Esparza told the Las Vegas Sun. “We’re committed to being a first-run movie theater that also has specialty programming, art films, documentaries, Spanish-language film, American Latino film… any kind of genre movie or topics that there is an interest in. So we fully expect to enliven and enrich the cultural and entertainment options for the residents in the area.”
The cinema is paving the way for a larger economic revival in the area with more employers like Amazon and Sephora opening warehouses in North Las Vegas.
“We are the impetus for the redevelopment and the new construction of North Las Vegas downtown, Esparza told NBC affiliate KSNV. “We are going to be the engine that transforms the community.”
Additional planned development around the cinema includes expanded retail and dining options that will generate economic activity and provide jobs for roughly 700 people.
To learn more about this project, watch the KSNV broadcast segment here.