Enhanced Capital provides financing for C-PACE, an innovative program providing property owners with low-cost, long-term, fixed-rate financing mechanisms for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements.
Enhanced Capital’s legislative and lobbying background supports our active mission of introducing C-PACE to new markets. Enhanced Capital is eager to help and team up with anyone who is looking to bring C-PACE to their local state or municipality.
C-PACE finances:
- Building Core & Shell
- Windows
- Elevators
- Electrical & Building Automation
- Water Efficiency
- Seismic Retrofits1

Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) finance encourages property owners to implement energy efficiency, renewable energy, water efficiency, resilience, and public health improvements to new and existing buildings through a low-cost, long-term financing agreement. CPACE lenders provide financing for both hard and soft costs of eligible projects, covering up to the full amount through fixed-rate, fully amortizing loans with terms up to 30 years. The financing is secured by a voluntary property assessment and repaid as an addition to the owner’s property tax bill, which transfers automatically when the property is sold. Property owners also have the option to pay off the PACE assessment early. C-PACE is also available for new construction, typically up to 25% LTV, with the combined LTV with senior debt up to 95%.2
Retroactive PACE opportunity: C-PACE can, in many cases, re-finance projects that are completed or under construction, which in the current environment means new capital coming in to cover ongoing expenses and debt service. Payments are typically capitalized for the first several years, and further interest-only periods are available, which gives time for a recovery in property financials.2
Read more about Enhanced’s C-PACE program.
C-PACE Contact
Potential Transactions:
Disclaimer: This is intended for potential project transactions only and is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities, investment product or investment advisory services. This is not an offering or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in a fund. The information provided herein is used for illustrative and discussion purposes only. Final transaction terms for each project in which Enhanced Capital may invest will vary.