Impact Real Estate

Featured Projects

Historic Tax Credits Help a Nonprofit Provide Affordable Education for Mississippi Students

July 20, 2020


Enhanced Capital’s financial support has enabled Base Camp Coding Academy (BCCA) to continue its mission of addressing Mississippi’s need for more jobs and affordable education. BCCA is transforming a vacant historic building into a first-of-its-kind computer coding and distance learning facility called Everest through a $6.9 million redevelopment project. Enhanced Capital supported BCCA’s Everest project with $2.0 million in tax equity and debt funding through federal and state Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits.


Enhanced Capital Provides Financing for an Anti-Racism Curriculum and Interpretive Center in New Orleans’s Lower Ninth Ward

July 13, 2020


Enhanced Capital is proud to collaborate with Alembic Community Development and Leona Tate Foundation for Change (LTFC) to support the redevelopment of the McDonogh 19 Elementary School into the Tate, Etienne & Prevost Center (TEP Center) in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward. Enhanced Capital contributed $7.2 million in project financing through Louisiana and federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits and a federal New Markets Tax Credit Allocation.


Enhanced Capital launches National C-PACE financing platform

August 19, 2019

Enhanced Capital has announced the launch of its national Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing platform.  Enhanced will finance eligible energy efficiency measures in qualifying programs throughout the U.S.  By offering C-PACE financing, Enhanced continues its mission of supporting and strengthening local communities.


Waterford UPSTART Grows, Provides Education Opportunities for Low-Income Families

July 22, 2019

Boy Who Loves Reading

Through its Utah Small Business Loan Fund and the federal New Markets Tax Credit program, Enhanced Community Development provided financing to, a nonprofit and education technology company that is now making national headlines after expanding its early education program to reach children in 15 states.

Early Education programs have become increasingly unaffordable and inaccessible for low-income families across the United States. Utah-based is bridging the gap through its kindergarten readiness program Waterford UPSTART.


Enhanced Capital Awarded $50 Million in New Markets Tax Credits

May 29, 2019

Enhanced Community Development, a subsidiary of Enhanced Capital, has been awarded a $50 million allocation in the competitive federal New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program. Administered by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the New Markets Tax Credits allocations for the 2018 allocation round were announced May 23.

Enhanced Community Development will utilize this allocation to continue catalyzing economic growth in both urban and rural, low-income and distressed communities nationwide. Enhanced has received multiple NMTC awards and has invested in projects that have brought critical goods, services and jobs to underserved communities.


Enhanced Capital Provides Brownfield Tax Credit Financing to Support Mixed-Use Development

April 4, 2019

A multimillion-dollar, mixed-use development in West Harlem, New York, is among the latest development activity transforming the neighborhood. Enhanced Capital provided an 18.2 million bridge loan supported by state brownfield tax credits to finance the construction of the new 13-story, 211,893 square-foot building. The space will include 155 condominiums, a grocery store, a rooftop lounge, fitness facilities, a lap pool, and more.


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